Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg

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  5. Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg

Package your Electron app into OS-specific bundles (.app, .exe, etc.) via JavaScript or the command line.

Supported Platforms | Installation | Usage | API | Contributing | Support | Related Apps/Libraries | FAQ | Release Notes


Electron-builder ¶ A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app for macOS, Windows and Linux with “auto update” support out of the box. NPM packages management: Native application dependencies compilation (including Yarn support). Development dependencies are never included. Electron-builder is a CLI tool that helps us create multi-platform distributions for Electron applications. It supports macOS, Windows, and Linux targets out of the box. The mac.target field.

Electron Packager is a command line tool and Node.js library that bundles Electron-based application source code with a renamed Electron executable and supporting files into folders ready for distribution.


For creating distributables like installers and Linux packages, consider using either Electron Forge (which uses Electron Packager internally), or one of the related Electron tools, which utilizes Electron Packager-created folders as a basis.

Note that packaged Electron applications can be relatively large. A zipped, minimal Electron application is approximately the same size as the zipped prebuilt binary for a given target platform, target arch, and Electron version(files named electron-v${version}-${platform}-${arch}.zip).

Supported Platforms

Electron Packager is known to run on the following host platforms:

  • Windows (32/64 bit)
  • macOS (formerly known as OS X)
  • Linux (x86/x86_64)
Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg

It generates executables/bundles for the following target platforms:

  • Windows (also known as win32, for x86, x86_64, and arm64 architectures)
  • macOS (also known as darwin) / Mac App Store (also known as mas)* (for x86_64 and arm64 architectures)
  • Linux (for x86, x86_64, armv7l, arm64, and mips64el architectures)

*Note for macOS / Mac App Store target bundles: the .app bundle can only be signed when building on a host macOS platform.


This module requires Node.js 10.0 or higher to run.

Building Windows apps from non-Windows platforms

Building an Electron app for the Windows target platform requires editing the Electron.exe file. Currently, Electron Packager uses node-rcedit to accomplish this. A Windows executable is bundled in that Node package and needs to be run in order for this functionality to work, so on non-Windows host platforms, Wine 1.6 or later needs to be installed. On macOS, it is installable via Homebrew.


JavaScript API usage can be found in the API documentation.

From the Command Line

Running electron-packager from the command line has this basic form:

This will:

  • Find or download the correct release of Electron
  • Use that version of Electron to create a app in <out>/<appname>-<platform>-<arch>(this can be customized via an optional flag)

--platform and --arch can be omitted, in two cases:

  • If you specify --all instead, bundles for all valid combinations of target platforms/architectures will be created.
  • Otherwise, a single bundle for the host platform/architecture will be created.

For an overview of the other optional flags, run electron-packager --help or see usage.txt. For detailed descriptions, see the API documentation.

If appname is omitted, this will use the name specified by 'productName' or 'name' in the nearest package.json.

Characters in the Electron app name which are not allowed in all target platforms' filenames (e.g., /), will be replaced by hyphens (-).

You should be able to launch the app on the platform you built for. If not, check your settings and try again.

Be careful not to include node_modules you don't want into your final app. If you put them in the devDependencies section of package.json, by default none of the modules related to those dependencies will be copied in the app bundles. (This behavior can be turned off with the prune: false API option or --no-prune CLI flag.) In addition, folders like .git and node_modules/.bin will be ignored by default. You can use --ignore to ignore files and folders via a regular expression (not a glob pattern). Examples include --ignore=.gitignore or --ignore='.git(ignore|modules)'.


Let's assume that you have made an app based on the electron-quick-start repository on a macOS host platform with the following file structure:

…and that the following is true:

  • electron-packager is installed globally
  • productName in package.json has been set to Foo Bar
  • The electron module is in the devDependencies section of package.json, and set to the exact version of 1.4.15.
  • npm install for the Foo Bar app has been run at least once

When one runs the following command for the first time in the foobar directory:

electron-packager will do the following:

  • Use the current directory for the sourcedir
  • Infer the appname from the productName in package.json
  • Infer the appVersion from the version in package.json
  • Infer the platform and arch from the host, in this example, darwin platform and x64 arch.
  • Download the darwin x64 build of Electron 1.4.15 (and cache the downloads in ~/.electron)
  • Build the macOS Foo Bar.app
  • Place Foo Bar.app in foobar/Foo Bar-darwin-x64/ (since an out directory was not specified, it used the current working directory)

The file structure now looks like:

The Foo Bar.app folder generated can be executed by a system running macOS, which will start the packaged Electron app. This is also true of the Windows x64 build on a system running a new enough version of Windows for a 64-bit system (via Foo Bar-win32-x64/Foo Bar.exe), and so on.


  • Electron Forge - creates, builds, and distributes modern Electron applications
  • electron-packager-interactive - an interactive CLI for electron-packager
  • grunt-electron - grunt plugin for electron-packager

Distributable Creators

  • electron-installer-zip - creates symlink-compatible ZIP files


  • electron-winstaller - Squirrel.Windows-based installer from the Electron maintainers group
  • electron-windows-store - creates an AppX package for the Windows Store
  • electron-wix-msi - creates traditional MSI installers
  • electron-installer-windows - alternative Squirrel.Windows-based installer


  • electron-installer-dmg - creates a DMG


  • electron-installer-debian - creates a DEB file
  • electron-installer-redhat - creates an RPM
  • electron-installer-flatpak - creates a Flatpak file
  • electron-installer-snap - creates a Snap file


These Node modules utilize Electron Packager API hooks:

  • electron-packager-languages - set the locales available to Electron when packaged, which is used by the Mac App Store, among other places
  • electron-packager-plugin-non-proprietary-codecs-ffmpeg - replaces the normal version of FFmpeg in Electron with a version without proprietary codecs
  • electron-rebuild - rebuild native Node.js modules against the packaged Electron version

A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app for macOS, Windows and Linux with “auto update” support out of the box.

  • NPM packages management:
    • Native application dependencies compilation (including Yarn support).
    • Development dependencies are never included. You don’t need to ignore them explicitly.
    • Two package.json structure is supported, but you are not forced to use it even if you have native production dependencies.
  • Code Signing on a CI server or development machine.
  • Auto Update ready application packaging.
  • Numerous target formats:
    • All platforms: 7z, zip, tar.xz, tar.lz, tar.gz, tar.bz2, dir (unpacked directory).
    • macOS: dmg, pkg, mas, mas-dev.
    • Linux: AppImage, snap, debian package (deb), rpm, freebsd, pacman, p5p, apk.
    • Windows: nsis (Installer), nsis-web (Web installer), portable (portable app without installation), AppX (Windows Store), Squirrel.Windows.
  • Publishing artifacts to GitHub Releases, Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces and Bintray.
  • Advanced building:
    • Pack in a distributable format already packaged app.
    • Separate build steps.
    • Build and publish in parallel, using hard links on CI server to reduce IO and disk space usage.
    • electron-compile support (compile for release-time on the fly on build).
  • Docker images to build Electron app for Linux or Windows on any platform.
  • Proton Native support.
  • Downloads all required tools files on demand automatically (e.g. to code sign windows application, to make AppX), no need to setup.
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Yarn is strongly recommended instead of npm.

yarn add electron-builder --dev


  • electron-webpack-quick-start — A bare minimum project structure to get started developing with electron-webpack. Recommended.
  • electron-react-boilerplate A boilerplate for scalable cross-platform desktop apps.
  • electron-react-redux-boilerplate A minimal boilerplate to get started with Electron, React and Redux.
  • electron-boilerplate A minimalistic yet comprehensive boilerplate application.
  • Vue CLI 3 plugin for Electron A Vue CLI 3 plugin for Electron with no required configuration.

Quick Setup Guide¶

electron-webpack-quick-start is a recommended way to create a new Electron application.

  1. Specify the standard fields in the application package.json — name, description, version and author.

  2. Specify the build configuration in the package.json as follows:

    See all options. Option files to indicate which files should be packed in the final application, including the entry file, maybe required.
  3. Add icons.

  4. Add the scripts key to the development package.json:

    Then you can run yarn dist (to package in a distributable format (e.g. dmg, windows installer, deb package)) or yarn pack (only generates the package directory without really packaging it. This is useful for testing purposes).

    To ensure your native dependencies are always matched electron version, simply add script 'postinstall': 'electron-builder install-app-deps' to your package.json.

  5. If you have native addons of your own that are part of the application (not as a dependency), set nodeGypRebuild to true.

Please note that everything is packaged into an asar archive by default.

For an app that will be shipped to production, you should sign your application. See Where to buy code signing certificates.

Programmatic Usage¶

Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg File

See node_modules/electron-builder/out/index.d.ts. Typings for TypeScript is provided.


Pack Only in a Distributable Format¶

You can use electron-builder only to pack your electron app in a AppImage, Snaps, Debian package, NSIS, macOS installer component package (pkg) and other distributable formats.

--projectDir (the path to project directory) option also can be useful.


Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg File Size

Set the DEBUG environment variable to debug what electron-builder is doing:

FPM_DEBUG env to add more details about building linux targets (except snap and appimage).

Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg Free


On Windows the environment variable is set using the set command.


Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg Download

PowerShell uses different syntax to set environment variables.

Electron-builder Mac Target Zip Dmg


electron-builder on Zulip.

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