Neopets Uc Tiers

UN: Dragonshadez. I am coming back after a long break and am trying to find the new tier list for UCs. R/neopets is the place to be without fear or scorn by TNT! Created Sep 2, 2009. Neopets UC Shuffle. The UC Shuffle is a common game played on the Neopets Pound Chat and is a fun way to trade pets! Same tier UC Shuffle Rules: Post one or more of your UCs to put into the pot. Bidding will open for 30 minutes, during. ID BN UC Darigan Lupe $ 9.99 Add to cart ID UC Gamble #2 – Tier 2 UCs! $ 11.99 Add to cart ID BN UC Faerie Kyrii $ 11.99 Add to cart ID BN UC Faerie Kau $ 12.99 Add to cart ID BN UC Faerie Kougra $ 13.99 Add to cart ID UC Gamble #3 – Tier 3 UCs! $ 16.99 Add to cart ID BN UC Faerie Blumaroo $ 16.99 Add to cart ID BN UC Faerie Peophin $ 17.99 Add to cart.

The UC Shuffle is a common game played on the Neopets Pound Chat and is a fun way to trade pets!

How to Play

Basic Rules: Post one or more UCs you’d like to put in the pot.
Other people will bid their UCs on your UC for 30 minutes. You can also receive UC AND converted bids on your UC if you specify it by putting a *quiggle* next to your pet’s name during listing. At the end you will have to pick one of the offers you received -UNLESS-
THIS PART VARIES DEPENDING ON WHAT VERSION YOU ARE PLAYING: If you do not receive a bid on your pet that is the same tier you can choose to use your Safety Net Pass After bidding has closed and choose not to trade. (Ex: You list a T5, only get T4 and lower bids. You would post “Safety Net Pass on my Pet Xxxxxxx @Your_username” after bidding ends.
If you got a T4 bid, regardless of name format, you must pick a trade from your bids.)

T1 pets are granted the 1 bid safety net: If you put a t1 in the pot and receive only ONE UC bid, you may pass. If you receive at least 2 bids you must pick between them
If you allow converted offers by putting a *quiggle* next to your pets name during listing, yet you did not receive a pet within 1 tier of your own pet, you can still choose to use your safety net pass.

UC Shuffle Variations

There are several variations of UC Shuffle! Here are all the current UC Shuffles being played:

Same Tier: If you do not receive a bid that is at least the same tier as your listed pet, you may enforce your same tier pass. (Eg. if you list a t5 and only get t4 or lower offers, you may pass)

NO PASS: There are no stipulations, no safety nets. Everyone who lists in this version WILL BE PICKING A BID AT THE END. This variation is higher risk, but usually attract WAY MORE BIDS than any other version.

Neopets uc tiers

FREE PASS: Everyone who plays is allotted a pass on their pet. This variation often needs to have a capped pot, because there will be 20+ people who want to list (Since there is little to no risk), so you will often need to list fast to make it into the pot.

Neopets Uc Tiers


There are other variations to these such as:
Name swap clause:In a Same Tier shuffle, If the only same tier bid you receive would be a nameswap, you are allowed to pass on this offer.
Exception Clause: Each lister in a Same Tier Shuffle is allowed to pick ONE pet from that tier to be able to pass on if it is their only same tier bid

Neopets Uc Trading Tiers

Other variations pop up from time to time, I can’t list them all here! But these are the most common. When in doubt, READ THE FIRST POSTS! This will save you from embarrassment and confusion!!

UC Shuffle FAQ

Q: Do I need a pet in the pot to play?
A: No! You do not need a pet in the pot to play this game.

Q:Can I bid a pet I put in the pot on other pets in the pot?
A:No. If you put your pet in the pot, this pet can no longer be bid on other pets in the current pot.

Q:If someone plays and breaks the rules, can you do something about it?
A: Plain and simple, no. Neither I, nor the other hosts can do anything about rule breakers or those who ghost. However if someone intentionally breaks the rules, you can mail the current host and let them know the situation privately. They may choose not to let the person list in games they host anymore, or mail them to ask they stick to bidding. Even though we are all adults left playing this children’s site, some people choose to behave like children still so please don’t let them ruin your fun by breaking the rules. Just make a mental note and move on 🙂

Q:Can I host?
A: YES! Anyone and everyone is welcome to host. Just please make sure you have read the rules thoroughly and know what’s what! Also make sure you clearly specify what version of UC shuffle you’ll be hosting so there’s no confusion :3

Q:Can I bid my pet on multiple shuffled pets?
A:Yes you can bid as many of your pets on as many of the auctions as you want. (As long as none of your offers are currently pets in the pot)

Q:What happens when TWO or more shuffled pets pick the same bidded pet?
A: The person who bid the pet must then choose which shuffled pet they want to trade for. The shuffled pet(s) that is not chosen must then pick another bid (or pass if applicable)

Q:If I list and the bid I choose finds out they are out of transfers/Mistypes their bid/for some reason CANNOT trade the pet they bid on my pet/Is chosen for two pets and does not pick mine, DO I NEED TO PICK A NEW BID?
A:YES. YES. YES to all of these questions.
If the bid you select for whatever reason does not work out, and you have another eligible bid (And in the case of no pass, any bids whatsoever) YOU MUST SELECT ANOTHER BID. That is the whole point of these games is to make trades. And if this rule wasn’t in place, people would abuse it to get out of following the rules and just trading. THIS GAME IS MEANT TO MAKE TRADES. **NOT** UPTRADES!!! Please don’t ever list unless you understand that simple fact.

Unconverted neopets tiersUnconverted neopets tiers

Q:If I only got 1 same tier bid in a Same Tier Safety Net UC SHUFFLE, can I pass?
A: No, unless you listed a t1. Only tier 1 pets get to pass due to only receiving 1 bid.

How to Host UC Shuffles

So you want to host a UC shuffle board? AWESOME 😀 This is a section for the first posts and tips on how to be a good host!

Unconverted Neopets

First Posts of a UC Shuffle Board

This section is just guidelines as to what the board’s title and first two posts can be, feel free to reword them or copy them straight from this page! Just make sure they’re easy to understand, state the basic rules, and don’t be upset if a new person asks questions or doesn’t understand right away!

Make your Title VERY easy to see with lots of *clap* smilies, *violin* smilies and use the words (Variation here) UC SHUFFLE To attract people to your board.

Below you will find the first 2 posts for all variations of the game.





Uc Trading Guide Neopets


Once Bidding begins, you need to make sure everyone knows that!! Here’s a post to alert everyone that BIDDING HAS OPENED:

Bidding open Post:

After Bidding has CLOSED, here is the post you can use to inform people how they need to post their decisions:

Bidding Closed Post:

[UPDATE: A Neopets representative has provided the below statement:

First and foremost, the safety of our users and their accounts and pets is our top priority. If we find a situation where a pet is removed from an account without the owners permission, we take that very seriously. We are looking into creating additional tools to help solve these situations faster as well as alternate solutions that will minimize impact on the majority of users involved. Additionally, we're actively making sure that those who are affected will receive fair trade-offs.

We have a support team that works on Neopets as well as other projects and when needed, can shift them to deal with high priority situations like this. A 'Pet Trading' category has also been added to our support system for users to better flag these issues and get them resolved quickly.

Unconverted Neopets Tiers

As for UC pets, they are desirable for many reasons with their rarity being the primary reason. For some, they’re seen as a status symbol. For others, it’s the unique artwork they love.

We are always looking at improving the site and our customer support on it. As everyone is aware, Neopets is a 20 year old site that comes with 20 year old tech issues, economy changes, etc. that will always have its challenges. Preserving the site and moving away from Flash have been a huge undertaking for our team, but it's one we've prioritized above all else to ensure Neopets continues. We are very grateful for our passionate and loyal userbase that has stuck by us throughout the years and will continually look at how we can improve and grow the site.]

Back in 2007, Neopets began converting Neopets owned by players into a new art style. However, some players chose to keep the original art of their pets, resulting in a small number of 'unconverted' Neopets still being in circulation. After Neopets, then owned by Viacom, implemented secure trading between players, a black market featuring these rare pets cropped up.

Neopets is the infamous create-a-pet website where players are free to create as many pets from scratch as they'd like and paint them with a number of colorful brushes, such as ones that give fairy wings and adorable pastel colors, or others that dress them in pirate garb. Back in the old days, before Adobe ended the support of Flash Player in 2020, Neopets had a different art style and a lot less features that now allow players to interact with their pets. These are referred to as 'unconverted' Neopets, which are considered valuable on the black market, especially those that were painted with attractive paintbrushes.

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Not unlike how Animal Crossing: New Horizons players sell the most desirable villagers for real cash, a black market driven by the demands of the community began, supported by a user-determined ten-tier system that ranks the value of each Neopet. On the black market, players can spend real money and sometimes even crypto-currencies to purchase the rarest ones. Sometimes, these Neopets have even been obtained by illegal means, according to Polygon.

Especially in the niche community, Neopets is known for having poor account security, which has resulted in some players getting unconverted Neopets snagged from their accounts and sold on the black market. Sometimes, these unconverted pets can sell for hundreds of dollars depending on where they fall on that tier list.

Neopets is playable in web browsers.

MORE: Neopets is Getting A Cartoon

Source: Polygon

Uc Pet Tiers Neopets

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