Caverns Of Doom Rules


Caverns of Darkness
Author The Chaos Crew
This mod was one of the ten 2002 mods to feature in the Top 100 WADs of All Time on Doomworld!

Swords and Sorcery House Rules PDF available again 1 week ago Mythopoeic Rambling. Crypt of the Sorcerer/Caverns of Doom project. Wolf riders 2 weeks ago. Caverns of Darkness (scroller incompatibility) by Graf Zahl » Sun Jan 23, 2005 2:04 pm As everybody probably knows this excellent WAD comes with a shitty customized DOS engine that probably won't run on most modern computers anymore. According to Sid Sackson's 'A Gamut of Games': Enter a series of caverns in search of treasures of all kind. A die calls up monsters (which, like the adventurers, are metal. Aug 14, 2009 A friend bought the Caverns of Doom. We collected the heritage figures, made additional rules and other maps. Then we played Stormbringer (based on the Elric series by M Moorcock) and some d&d. And the Hero system. The Forest of Doom is a single-player role-playing. The book in general follows the original rules set down in The Warlock. Hero of Caverns of the Snow. Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Expansion, Caverns of Bane, will release July 17. Grimtooth's Dungeon of Doom. The Caverns of Thracia. Version Publisher: Judges Guild.

  1. Caverns of Darkness
  2. Dark 7 and Mission Pack
1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998
1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003

Caverns of Darkness is a 12 levelPWAD for Doom II created by The Chaos Crew and released on April 24, 2002. It is packaged with a required custom source port executable for MS-DOS. The levels are well-known for their use of voodoo dollconveyor belt scripting, ambient sounds, and fake 3D (through middle textures) to create more realistic subterranean environments.

  • 2Content


Levels for the WAD were made by:

Programming for the engine was done by:

Music for the WAD was written by:

  • Justus Johnson


See full list on



All levels by Christopher Lutz unless noted otherwise.

  • MAP02: Six Feet Under (exit to MAP11)
  • MAP04: Hydrosfear by NokturnuS
  • MAP05: Command Control by Emil Brundage (exit to MAP12)
  • MAP09: Hellmine by NokturnuS
  • MAP11: Symbol of Grace (secret map)
  • MAP12: The Stand (secret map)


Aside from one custom track, all levels use Doom and Doom II songs by Robert Prince.

  • MAP01: ? by Justus Johnson
  • MAP02: 'Running From Evil' (from MAP01: Entryway)
  • MAP03: 'The Demons from Adrian's Pen' (from E2M2: Containment Area)
  • MAP04: 'The Demon's Dead' (from MAP10: Refueling Base)
  • MAP05: 'Donna to the Rescue' (from E3M2: Slough of Despair)
  • MAP06: 'Waiting for Romero to Play' (from MAP18: The Courtyard)
  • MAP07: 'Waltz of the Demons' (from E2M7: Spawning Vats)
  • MAP08: 'Into Sandy's City' (from MAP09: The Pit)
  • MAP09: 'Shawn's got the Shotgun' (from MAP07: Dead Simple)
  • MAP10: 'Getting too Tense' (from MAP28: The Spirit World)
  • MAP11: 'They're Going to Get You' (from E2M4: Deimos Lab)
  • MAP12: 'They're Going to Get You' (from E2M4: Deimos Lab)
  • Title: ?

Caverns of Darkness Engine[edit]

Caverns of Darkness Engine (or CoD Engine) is a source modification created by Joel Murdoch and based on Eternity Engine v3.29. The COD.EXE file included in the PWAD's archive is a source modification compiled for MS-DOS. To play Caverns of Darkness in Windows operating systems, a DOS emulator such as DosBox must be used. The binary adds more level editing features including:

  • a new instant-death sector type for players falling into a black void
  • a healing sector type that gives players health
  • two new lighting effects to adjust sector brightness by 15
  • looping ambient sounds
  • additional attacks for the Archvile and Cyberdemon

On May 4, 2002, The Chaos Crew member Christopher Lutz published Joel's source code to the team's web site. However with the file stored on Joel's personal hosting, the link eventually went dead and the source became unavailable for more than a decade. On May 26, 2019 Joel Murdoch re-uploaded the source and posted a new download link to the Doomworld forums. It was made available on the idgames archive on January 31, 2020.

ZDoom version[edit]

On January 23, 2005, Graf Zahl supplied a source modification called ZDOOM-COD.EXE, derived from ZDoom 2.0.96 that made the necessary additions to play Caverns of Darkness. It reports in-game as ZDoom 2.0.96c (COD custom). On November 15, 2008, he released a CoD PWAD patch to instead allow the levels to be played using the regular ZDoom build. It substitutes DECORATE actors in place of the original hard-coded custom thing types and weapons, as well as using MAPINFO to apply map translators that replace the CoD engine's new sector and linedef types.

External links[edit]

  • Caverns of Darkness at Doomworld/idgames
  • Caverns of Darkness Engine source code at Doomworld/idgames
  • Caverns of Darkness at Doomworld/idgames (ZDoom patch WAD from 2008)
  • ZDoom custom build forum thread from 2005
  • Caverns of Darkness at the Doom Speed Demo Archive
  • Original COD Engine source code release entry (May 4th, 2002), hosted by Doomworld
  • Review at ONEMANDOOM: WAD Reviews
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The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
The cover of The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, with art by Erol Otus. The artwork depicts a group of adventurers confronting a behir.
TSR product code9061
Rules requiredAdvanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition
Character levels6-10
Campaign settingGeneric or Greyhawk
AuthorsGary Gygax
First published1982 (1976)
Linked modules
S1S2S3 S4

The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth is an adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. It was written by Gary Gygax and published by TSR in 1982 for the first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) rules. The 64-page adventure bears the code 'S4' ('S' for 'special')[1] and is set in the Greyhawk campaign setting. It is divided into two parts, a 32-page adventure, and a 32-page booklet of monsters and magic items. The plot involves the player characters investigating rumors of lost treasure. After traversing a wilderness and two levels of dungeons, the players face Drelnza, the vampiric daughter of long-deceased archmage Iggwilv.

The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth is a revised and expanded version of The Lost Caverns of Tsojconth, a tournament adventure that Gygax wrote for the 1976 WinterCon V gaming convention. Gygax expanded the tournament adventure by adding a wilderness area, with part of it based on earlier work by Rob Kuntz. Work on the adventure delayed the completion of The Temple of Elemental Evil, another Gygax adventure. The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth was included in the 1987 supermodule Realms of Horror, and updated for v3.5 in an online edition in 2007. It was well received by critics, ranked the 22nd greatest Dungeons & Dragons adventure of all time by Dungeon magazine in 2004. A White Dwarf reviewer gave the adventure 9/10, noting its difficulty and rewards of powerful magic. It is part of a series along with S1: Tomb of Horrors, S2: White Plume Mountain, S3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. It also has a loosely connected sequel: The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun.[2]

Caverns Of Doom Rules 2020

Plot summary[edit]

In the Yatil Mountains south of Perrenland there is rumored to be a magical hoard of unsurpassed value, a treasure of such fame that scores of adventurers have perished in search of it. Find the perilous Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth and you may gain the hidden wealth of the long-dead arch-mage — if you live.

Cover blurb for The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth[3]:cover

The introduction, with instructions that the Dungeon Master read it aloud to the players, outlines that there is a treasure in the Yatil Mountains south of the Greyhawk realm of Perrenland. The player characters must investigate rumors of a lost treasure that scores of adventurers have perished attempting to find.[2] The treasure is a remnant of the wealth amassed by the archmage Iggwilv,[2] former ruler of Perrenland, prior to her presumed death at the hands of the demon Graz'zt, whom she had 'imprisoned and forced into servitude.'[3]:2 The players must first traverse a wilderness area with 20 numbered encounters before arriving at the caverns. The encounters have names such as 'Border Patrol' (encounter 1) and 'Hill Giants' (encounter 10). After the wilderness are two lettered encounters: the 'Gnome Vale', which includes a map for their lair, and 'The Craggy Dells', where humans and orcs are capturing hippogriffs to sell.

Next, the player characters reach the caverns. They consist of the 'Lesser Caverns' with 22 encounters, and the 'Greater Caverns' with 20 encounters, each with its own map. The lesser caverns include encounters such as 'Stinking Cave' (encounter 5) which contains four trolls and 'Underground Lake' (encounter 14). The greater caverns include encounters such as 'Uneven-Floored Cavern' (encounter 5) where the player characters face an umber hulk and 'Canyon of Centaurs' (encounter 9). The 20th and final encounter is titled 'The Inner Sphere'. Here, a 'woman sleeps on an alabaster slab.' She is 'armored from toe to neck in gold chased plate mail.'[3]:29 The woman is actually Drelnza, a fighter/vampire and the daughter of Iggwilv. After defeating Drelnza, the players are rewarded with treasure, and the adventure ends.

Publication history[edit]

The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth is a revised and expanded version of The Lost Caverns of Tsojconth, a tournament adventure that Gygax wrote for WinterCon V, a gaming convention sponsored by the Metro Detroit Gamers (MDG) in 1976.[4] It is based in part on one of Rob Kuntz's dungeon levels, as Kuntz helped Gygax revise the tournament version.[5] This original version consisted of eight loose sheets, an outer folder, and a zip-locked bag; only several hundred copies were printed.[4] In the May 1980 issue of Dragon, Gygax said 'Rob Kuntz has the reworked Lost Caverns module which must be finalized' and that 'We want to get it into print as soon as possible.'[6]Lawrence Schick later suggested that 'there's evidence that Gary considered Tsojcanth part of a longer Greyhawk campaign, placing the adventure between T1–T4 The Temple of Elemental Evil and WG4 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun. (By this reckoning, The Village of Hommlet, The Temple of Elemental Evil, and Tsojcanth are thus the 'lost' WG1 through WG3 modules.) So, Tsojcanth was published in the S series because it got completed out of order, but was too good to delay.'[7]

In 1980, Gygax began rewriting the adventure for first edition AD&D, expanding it to include outdoor encounters. The redevelopment of The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth was one of the major delays in the completion of The Temple of Elemental Evil.[8] This version of the module was revised and expanded, and included two 32-page books, and an outer folder.[4] In the November 1981 issue of Dragon, Gygax said that TSR needed a competition-level module and that 'the effort needed to finish the second hundred or so pages of Elemental Evil went into preparation of The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. The scenario was initially done for a convention tournament, but the new product has an extensive outdoor adventure and a completely new series of encounters'.[9] While in the middle of working on Temple of Elemental Evil, Gygax added a complete outdoor story arc to the original tournament story arc that leads to the caverns.[10]The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth includes new spells, and many new monsters which were later featured in Monster Manual II.[4]

The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun (1982) starts off from an event in The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth and features monsters from the Fiend Folio.[11] In 1987, The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth was revised and included in TSR's 'supermodule' Realms of Horror.[12] In 2007, it was updated to v3.5 and included as one of three parts in Iggwilv's Legacy: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, an adventure available online from Wizards of the Coast.[13]

Both versions of the module included monsters that were later included other Dungeons & Dragons products. The monsters introduced in the original un-published version were updated for AD&D rules and included in the first edition Monster Manual.[14] Monsters appearing in the published version included the demon princesBaphomet, Fraz-Urb'luu, Graz'zt, and Kostchtchie, who later appeared in the original Monster Manual II.[15] The published module's cover features an illustration of a behir by Erol Otus.[3]:cover

Chaingun Commandos

All four modules of the S-series were included as part of the Dungeons of Dread hardcover collection, released on March 19, 2013.[16] Lawrence Schick writes in the foreword that 'S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth marked the end of the S series—and rightly so, because despite being based on a gilded-hole dungeon originally designed for a tournament in 1976, its updated version really belonged more to the '80s campaign-setting school of design than to the wild-and-woolly '70s. S1 through S3 were standalone modules that could be easily dropped into any DM's campaign, but Tsojcanth is firmly based in Gary's World of Greyhawk.'[7]


The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth was favorably received by critics. Lawrence Schick, in his 1991 book Heroic Worlds, described the adventure as 'A monster-filled labyrinth in the classic mode: kill 'em, rob 'em, and leave.'[4] It was ranked the 22nd-greatest Dungeons & Dragons adventure of all time by Dungeon magazine in 2004, on the 30th anniversary of the Dungeons & Dragons game. Dungeon's editors felt that the 'pedestrian character of the caverns echoes the adventure's primordial nature', while its complicated wilderness setting and large second booklet set it apart from other adventures of the time. The booklet introduced 30 new creatures, including the derro and the demon lords Baphomet and Graz'zt. The reviewers felt that the adventure's defining moment was when the players find Iggwilv's 'fabled treasure': her vampire daughter Drelzna.[17]

Jim Bambra reviewed the adventure for White Dwarf. He gave it 9/10 overall, with 9/10 for presentation, rules, playability, enjoyment, skill, and complexity. Bambra noted that the module ended a long time off for Gary Gygax, and was 'very tough' and that good play was stressed in the introduction. Sub par play quickly ended the story, but the rewards of powerful magic and the satisfaction of completing a difficult task made it worthwhile. He also noted that the adventure came with a 32-page booklet with 30 new monsters and a small amount of new magic. Not all the new creatures are featured in the plot, but they can be used by the DM in other adventures. Also, magical diagrams are given an in-depth treatment, including their creation and effectiveness.[2]

James Jacobs credits Gary Gygax's work on The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth for inspiration on Jacobs's work on the 'Demonomicon of Iggwilv' column in Dragon magazine.[18]


  1. ^'Dungeons & Dragons FAQ'. Wizards of the Coast. 2003. Retrieved 2009-02-09.
  2. ^ abcdBambra, Jim (April 1983). 'Open Box'. White Dwarf (44): 13.
  3. ^ abcdGygax, Gary (1982). The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. TSR. ISBN0-935696-72-5.
  4. ^ abcdeSchick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. Prometheus Books. p. 113. ISBN0-87975-653-5.
  5. ^Gygax, Gary (March 1980). 'From the Sorcerer's Scroll'. Dragon. TSR (35): 12.
  6. ^Gygax, Gary (May 1980). 'From the Sorcerer's Scroll'. Dragon. TSR (37): 11.
  7. ^ ab'Dungeons of Dread: Barrier Peaks'. Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved June 22, 2013.
  8. ^Anonymous. 'RPGA Interview with... E. Gary Gygax.' RPGA News (TSR, Autumn 1981).
  9. ^Gygax, Gary (November 1981). 'From the Sorcerer's Scroll'. Dragon. TSR (55): 17.
  10. ^'RPGA interview with... E. Gary Gygax'. Polyhedron (2): 4. Autumn 1981.
  11. ^Livingstone, Ian (1982). Dicing with Dragons, An Introduction to Role-Playing Games (Revised ed.). Routledge. p. 127. ISBN0-7100-9466-3.
  12. ^Gygax, Gary; Schick, Lawrence (1987). Realms of Horror. TSR. ISBN0-88038-486-7.
  13. ^Marmell, Ari; Albert, Edward; Suleiman, C.A. (November 2, 2007). 'Dungeon Adventure: Iggwilv's Legacy'. Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved 2009-02-08.
  14. ^Gygax, Gary (1976). The Lost Caverns of Tsojconth. Detroit, MI: Metro Detroit Gamers.
  15. ^Gygax (1982), Monsters and Magical Items booklet
  16. ^'Dungeons of Dread'. Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved June 22, 2013.
  17. ^Mona, Erik; Jacobs, James; Dungeon Design Panel (November 2004). 'The 30 Greatest D&D Adventures of All Time'. Dungeon. Paizo Publishing (116): 73.
  18. ^Jacobs, James. 'Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Apocrypha' Dragon #359 (Paizo Publishing, September 2007)
Caverns Of Doom RulesRules

External links[edit]

  • S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth at The Acaeum
  • Greyhawk's 'Lost' Dungeon Levels: S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth at Greyhawk Online
  • Tsojcanth - Tsojconth Encounters Comparison at Greyhawk Online
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