Onenote For Mac Picture Wrap Text

Make Text in Image Searchable is Disabled

Extract text from a single picture Insert or Drop image from location in to One Note. Right-click the picture, and click Copy Text from Picture. Click where you’d like to paste the copied text, and then press Ctrl+V. Learning Tools for OneNote is a free Add-in for OneNote that helps everyone improve reading and writing skills, including gifted learners, students with learning differences or a combination of any of a broad range of unique learning abilities.

When you clipping a screenshot into OneNote, and want to copy text from picture.

Vote to see the ability to wrap text around images in OneNote. As long as I give it a good title, I’m always able to find it later. Actually, even if you paste images into your note, the indexer recognizes the text in your image and will even search on that! On my Windows Phone 7, I can do the same thing. I pin a “New Note” tile to my start page and I can just hit that to create an unfiled note.

But, sometimes you find something difference in right click menu.
  • On the right click menu, there cannot find 'Copy Text from Picture' item.
  • 'Make Text in Image Searchable' is disabled.
  • 'Alt Text' is empty.
Enable 'Copy Text in Picture'
In OneNote, 'File' tab -> 'Options' Item.
In OneNote Options window, 'Advanced' tab -> 'Text recognition in pictures' group -> uncheck 'Disable text recognition in pictures'.
Choose Language for Make Text in Image Searchable
After re-launch the OneNote, right click on an image, you will find: Onenote for mac picture wrap text editor
  • 'Copy Text from Pictures'
  • 'Make Text in Image Searchable', can choose Language to OCR.
  • 'Alt Text', show the OCR text.
  • OneNote cannot recognize the text when the picture is smaller.
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In another document, we have described how to pin down drawing into text outline in OneNote.
In this document, we will show you how to move drawing, handwriting and ink with image.
Image inside Outline
In this example, we can see the image saved inside text outline.
Insert Text Below the Image as Caption
To lock drawing with image, we need a text paragraph.
In this example, we insert text 'OneNote' below the image as caption.
Draw and Hand Write on OneNote Image
Now, we can begin to draw and hand write on image.
After drawn, select all inks on image ( Maybe it will select some text ).
Convert Handwriting to Drawing
On image, maybe you have some handwriting, you need to convert them to drawing.
Right click on the selection, click 'Drawing' sub-item in 'Treat Selected Ink As' menu item, it will convert handwriting to drawing in the selection.
Using Gem Feature to Pick Up Drawings
You can use 'Pick Up' feature to pick up these drawings in selection in Gem for OneNote.
Click 'Object' tab -> 'Drawings' group -> 'Pick Up' feature,
Gem will pick out the drawings from selection.
Now, you can see the selection change to just select drawings.
Anchor Drawings to Caption
After pick up drawings,
  1. Now, we select 'OneNote' caption to ready attach these drawings.
  2. Next, in 'Gem for OneNote', click 'Object' tab -> 'Drawing' group -> 'Pin Down' feature.

Onenote For Mac Picture Wrap Text Free

It will anchor these drawings to 'OneNote' caption.
Drawing Dislocated with Image when Input New Text Before Image
When we insert new text before image, we will find that these drawings don't move down with image, OneNote place them in the original position.
This cause these drawings dislocated with image.
Drawing Dislocated with Image when Input New Text Before Image
Move all Drawings to its Correctly Position by One Click
For these drawings which have pinned down, we can move them to correctly position by One Click.
In 'Gem for OneNote', Click 'Object' tab -> 'Drawing' group -> 'Refresh' feature,
This feature will move all drawings ( Pinned down already ) in current page to correctly position.
Move all Drawings to its Correctly Position by One Click

Onenote For Mac Picture Wrap Text Editor

Move to Correctly Position
After click 'Refresh' feature, we can see the drawings all go to its correctly position.

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